The Batman: Arkham Knight comic is a weekly comic that ties-in and acts as a prequel to the Batman: Arkham Knight. It takes place in the intervening months between the end of Batman: Arkham City and the beginning of Arkham Knight. The first issue was released on March 11 2015. It was written by Peter James Tomasi.
It follows a varied cast of heroes and villains, including those from previous games and some characters that hadn't yet made an appearance in the Arkhamverse but may well be familiar to fans of the wider DC Universe, such as Metamorpho. It also introduces brand new characters to the Arkhamverse such as Zimmer, the builder of the various Batmobiles; Kid Shark, son of the Suicide Squad member King Shark; and Tweedledie, a genetically engineered cousin of Tweedledum and Tweedledee. The main plots revolve around Bruce Wayne's Gotham Reborn project - an attempt to rebuild Arkham City and reintegrate it with the rest of Gotham City; James Gordon's mayoral campaign; and the Arkham Knight's long laid-out plans beginning to come to fruition.
Though the comic is served as a prequel some elements are considered Non-Canon as they contradict events that happen in the Batman: Arkham Knight video game. The first issue notably adapts and revolves around events first seen in the Batman: Arkham City - Endgame comics.
After its publication later in the year, this comic series ran concurrently with the Batman: Arkham Knight - Genesis miniseries.