Arkham Wiki
Arkham Wiki

Script work[]

Man you're doing more of a good job than anyone else is on the other scipt storywise, no offense. Some conversation tips are missing though, try BatmanArkhamVideos on Youtube. Keep up the good work.Mike Gilbert 13:59, July 31, 2012 (UTC)

Thanks - I try to get all the conversation points, but there are very rare videos on YouTube that show the whole conversation at certain points. I'll try that channel though - thanks very much! Smile With Smylex (talk) 18:50, July 31, 2012 (UTC) My bad it's Arkham Archives.Mike Gilbert 15:46, November 3, 2012 (UTC) Nah I was wrong. It's arkhamvideos.Mike Gilbert 18:53, November 3, 2012 (UTC)
